Hamad bin Jabor bin Jassim Al Thani

H.E. Sheikh Hamad Bin Jabor Bin Jassim Al Thani
Nationality Qatari
Occupation Director General of the GSDP and Chairman of QSA

H.E. Sheikh Hamad bin Jabor bin Jassim bin Jabor bin Muhammed Al Thani was appointed by the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, as the Director General of the General Secretariat for Development Planning (GSDP) and Chairman of Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA) in 2007.

At GSDP, Sheikh Hamad is in charge of the day to day management and with the Secretary General, Dr. Ibrahim Ibrahim, provides leadership on strategic direction. Sheikh Hamad also takes a keen interest in GSDP’s project work and has played an instrumental role in projects such as the Knowledge-based economy (KBE) and Small and medium enterprises (SME) projects.

Sheikh Hamad serves as a member of the board of directors of Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), Qatar Chemical Company (Q-Chem), Qatar Electricity and Water Company (QEWC), Qatar National Bank (QNB), and IctQATAR, and Qatar Finance. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of Qatar University, Chairman of the Permanent Population Committee (PPC), a member of the Governing Board for UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Ultimate Resource – Qatar Finance and a Deputy Chairman of the AIDS Control Committee. Currently he is the Chair of ISI Al-Khawarezmi Committee.

He had a major role in the development process of Qatar Vision 2030 and the National Development Strategy 2011-2016, and guided the creation process of the Qatar Statistics Authority which became an independent office for official statistics in June 2007. He also supervised the preparation of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics, directed the 2010 National Census, and established the National Population Policy and the Qatar Information Exchange (QALAM).

Prior to his present post and for four years, Sheikh Hamad was the Secretary General of the Planning Council, which had the responsibility for planning Qatar’s social and economic policies.

Previously, he worked in Qatar Petroleum (QP) for fifteen years, occupying various posts including the position of Human Resource Manager, and later on the Director of Administration. He is known for having transformed Qatar Petroleum to become a Learning and performance-based corporation, and created the well-known Oil & Gas Industry Strategic Qatarisation Plan.

Sheikh Hamad received a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from Metropolitan State College in the USA.

He currently has three sons: Jabor, Jassim and Fahad.


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